Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Harder Than It Looks

I saw one of those church signs tonight. You know, the kind with one of those little soundbites of witticism. This one said something close to "Wisdom has two parts: (1) Having lots to say and (2) Not saying it." I wish I could say my lack of posting on here were a glorious display of wisdom. Because I have had lots to say. I could start at Barack H. Obama's pastor (or former pastor?) and stay busy right on up to the Pope's visit. But the real truth is, it is just hard to keep up with the blogging. But I'm going to keep trying, because I really do enjoy it.

On a sad note related to one of my previous postings, screen legend Charlton Heston (Moses in "The Ten Commandments," among other roles) passed away on April 5. The liberal media's attempt at an obituary was apparently as hard for them as keeping up with blogging is for me. In case you didn't catch all the negative slams, this might help out.

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